Thursday, December 17, 2015

It is not about quitting your day job

I am listening to the audiobook Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert right now. This is one of those books that just came into my life and I knew that I had to have it.

It is a good book because it talks about magic in an understandable way. It says that ideas and inspiration come to every one of us but we just need to work hard to settle with the inspiration and to live a creative life. It says that there is magic out there and that the magic can be big if only you believe in it. It doesn't ask you to quit your day job and become a writer or a musician but it rather tells you to at least consciously concentrate on what makes you happy and enjoy every moment as they come.

"You can resist the seductions of grandiosity, blame and shame. You can support other people in their creative efforts acknowledging the truth that there is plenty of room for everyone. You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failure. You can battle your demons through therapy, recovery, prayer or humility instead of battling your gifts in part by realising that your demons were never the ones doing the work anyhow. You can believe that you are neither a slave to inspiration nor its master. But something far more interesting. Its partner. And that the two of you are working together towards something intriguing and worthwhile. You can live a long life making and doing really cool things the entire time. You might earn a living with your pursuits or you might not but you can recognise that this is not really the point. And at the end of your days you can thank creativity for having blessed you with a charmed, interesting and passionate existence."

I now know why I studied journalism, worked as a waitress, spent countless hours accommodating people at the Olympic Games in Sydney and Athens and even managed to do a very unsuccessful Possum rescue mission as a Wildlife Rescue member in Australia.

All the experiences, the ideas and inspiration have slowly folded into something that has taken me where I am today. All the years of experience are slowly starting to make sense and you realise that nothing happens for nothing.

It is not however until I had a long talk with my boss about quitting a job that I was doing and he told me that I needed to do what I love. I went home that day, had a long talk with myself, quit the job and decided to open myself up to the universe. And listen...... The universe listened.

It is amazing what thoughts can make of us. I had no idea that I could affect my life and all the energies around me in such a profound manner just by believing that I can do what I was meant to do.  Just by changing your thought patterns into believing that anything is possible it seems that everything is possible.

Now every day I am looking for those small moments of magic that unfold in the most amazing manners. They are not always big things and just like Gilbert writes we should cooperate fully, humbly and joyfully with inspiration. You can receive your ideas with respect and curiosity, not with drama or dread. You can clear out whatever obstacles are preventing you from living your most creative life with the simple understanding that whatever is bad for you is probably also bad for your work. You can lay of the booze a bit in order to have a keener mind. You can nourish healthier relationships in order to keep yourself undestracted by self invented emotional catastrophies. You can dare to be pleased sometimes with what you have created and if a project doesn't work out you can always think of it as having been a worthwhile and constructive experience.

Because at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if it the magic is big or small. It is about those small moments in life when you do what you were meant to do and you enjoy it fully. And that is usually when the big magic unfolds. Because tuning in with who you really are is just the best thing you can do in order to live a joyous and fullfilled life. 

Also read: 
Urheilupsykologi Anna Andersén: Haluatko valita vai valittaa?
Petteri Kankkunen, Uusi Rovaniemi: Kankkunen: VO2max vai PS2max

Other similar writings in my blog.

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