Saturday, July 4, 2015

Water lunging, vesijuoksutus

Summer is the best time of the year to spend time with the family. Eat good food, sit by the sea and just watch the nature, go to the sauna at least once a day and jump in the water many times a day. 

My daughter Ella turned 9 years old in May. She is already going to the third grade at school and you start to understand why these summer moments are so tremendously important. There is no rush anywhere and you can really just spend time together. 

I have wanted to give a good month off for Thor this summer as well since he has been working hard all winter and has been developing very nicely. Since I find that he is not so strong in his body, has pretty bad hoof quality and has had huge problems with the mouth a few weeks off really do him good. Since he however very energetic we have been hacking a lot but most of the times we just head down to the seaside and go swimming. 

Swimming is an excellent way to combine family life and horses. Both Ella and Thor love swimming and despite the cold water they could spend hours in it. I yet again am not a big fan of the cold so last time we came up with the perfect way for all three of us to stay in the water for a longer period of time: water lunging.  While Ella and Thor swim I stand on a stone in the middle of the sea and lunge Thor. A fantastic way to exercise the horse and build muscles (and also treat injuries if there are any) and we all get up from the water happy and refreshed. 

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